Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tie-dye & Cheesecake

  • Shirt: Nature's Habitat, my all-time favorite t-shirt shop 
  • Jeans: Aeropostale, they're actually my fave jeans & long-term borrowed from my sister
  • Bag: Sole Society

I know... another tie-dye, rainbow cheesecake, but I'm forreal feelin' connected with this guy right now. 

See, on the outside, the cheesecake looks all tamed and plain with its white fondant top and a few rainbow sprinkles, but peeping out you can see it has a more outrageous side.. it's just waiting, HIDDEN BENEATH THE TOP LAYER, BURSTING WITH COLOR!


We may all play similar roles and follow similar structures, but THAT'S JUST OUR OUTSIDE "SURFACE" LAYER OF "WHITE FONDANT AND SPRINKLES." Because it's really about how each of us individually go about these roles in on our own unique way. Inside is where our colorful unique side and true self thrives. 

True fashion (not just trends) is all about wearing your inside on the outside. It's taking a normal every day necessity and turning it into an expressive art -- letting who you believe you are, truly shine from the inside outside.

I don't think enough people do this. I mean, I get it, some people aren't really into what they wear, but still to the slightest degree, you're wearing what makes you feel comfortable on the inside, towards the outside world. 


I'll tell ya why. Well, more like tell you what I think about it.. I think it has everything to do with comfort zones. I can't say this is always true, but I think generally speaking, people who are more okay with wearing what seems to be "out of the ordinary" are the maybe the most comfortable/confident with farther out "zones" of themselves... if that makes sense. Basically, they understand and know they're different and aren't afraid of it. Some people are afraid to be different and would rather follow what everyone else says is okay.

But I will admit, I have been afraid too. On this day, the NYC "uppitness" was really getting to me. I thought people wouldn't like me as much if I strayed away from the "NY high-fashion" trends. But in reality people liked me for the exact opposite. They liked me for being me and expressing myself from the inside out, and being comfortable and confident about it. But for awhile, I was feeling like dat cheesecake above.^ Lulz.

So, this day I chose to be the opposite of this cheesecake. I chose to turn myself inside-out. 

I dressed more like my low key, down to earth self (with a profesh biz feel from my bag--a.k.a. my small amount of white fondant and bits of rainbow sprinkles). This for sure wasn't what everyone else was wearing to work, but it was me, and why should I have to dress un-like me? 

We should all show our unique colors every once and a while. Do it just because. Try to wear something that is new and different to you. Simply because you're feelin' it. 

Because it's the little things that make you shine and give you character, not what everyone else is wearing or what other people say everyone should be wearing (a.ka.trends). Fashion is about perspective and expression.

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