Saturday, May 7, 2016

Bye Slippy...

I know everyone says it BUT IT'S CRAZY HOW FAST TIME FLIES. It just sneaks up on you, it's like when did I get here? How did I get here? But I'm here, so okay but not okay.

What I'm really trying to say is, I had such a great experience here at SRU and I wouldn't change one thing about it. The campus community is awesome and so supportive. My professors are the actual best professors ever. Biased, but true. Same with the comm department as a whole. It truly freaking has been an honor to work with everyone here and I enjoyed every second of it even when I wasn't ha... ECB second floor forevz my second home.

So here's a little tribute to da graduation moment~ I feel this outfits represents the person I have become here at Slippery Rock University. It's nothing professional or even really that "special" per say, but it felt right.  I can't explain it other way to be honest (and now looking back even the almost SRU green cardi be working into da theme).

Thanks for the experience SRU and thanks for showing me all that I can become.

Gap cardi | Dead & Co. t-shirt | Forever 21 short/skirt | Hearst Castle museum socks | Cons | Lia Sophia necklace

The left Spirulina and Green Tea White Chocolate Cheesecake and the right Green Velvet Cheesecake be da perfect combo fosho. 

See, the green velvet cheesecake best resembles the green of my cardi which is also almost the same shade of SRU's green like I was saying before (pantone 342 to be exact---whattup comm. majors). Also them little sprinkles just reminded me of graduation confetti, so I felt it was appropriate with the theme of the day.

The spirulina and green tea white chocolate cheesecake on the other hand got that off-white cheesecake filling, matching the off-white in my skort thang and a little bit in my washed out gray t-shirt. Also, dat crunchy topping of coconut circling this cheesecake is like a dark black/blue like the blue color in my skort.

Match made yo! Or more like matches I guess, whatevz. Hope you enjoyed :)

Check out the awesome recipes here to make yourself~

So there it is, my last L. Cacheesecake post as an SRU student. Which is why this blog even happened. It all started as a school assignment and I've been blogging ever since.

K I'm done byeeee. Good luck to everyone out there gettin' their graduation on :)

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