Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Follow Your Intuition

Follow your intuition--it will never steer you wrong.

  • Jumper: The Vintage Twin Pop-up Shop
  • Shoes above: Steve Madden clear jellies (on sale for $23)
  • Shoes below: Converse sandals from Seuss World at Islands of Adventure
  • Jewelry and bag be the yoush (usual)

Lately I've realized how easy it is to cloud my intuition and even resist it. I've just been in a constant cycle of resisting the truth (aka intuition). This is because I've been holding onto things that make me feel comfortable and in control. But just the other day, I let go of all that. And because I let go, I was able to think more clearly and freely instead of holding onto certain ways of thinking.

There are things I've been feeling in my gut, but have not yet act upon them. This is because I know it's not what I'm used to and comfortable with, but I need to follow my intuition--my 'intuitive style.' That little voice or feeling in my stomach that tells me "this way" or "that way, ' which I have been ignoring. 

The day I wore this outfit was a break through for me. I wore something out of my typical realm, instead of my go-to boho feel (but still had a touch of it:). 

I also bought a pair of shoes that weren't sneakers........! Whoa. Lol, I know that may sound trivial... but it's little things like that! Just new moves and steps in different directions. These shoes aren't my "yoush", but now they are my new yoush. It's me, I am a constant creation. As we all are. Which I think we could all try and remember more often. We're not meant to stay the same and our intuition tells us so. 

"There is a road, no simple highway

Between the dawn and the dark of night.

And if you go no one may follow.

That path is for your steps alone."

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